Sl. No: Title : Author : Abstract : Get File :
    1 Multiple Cell Upset Tolerant Error Detection And Correction Code For Semiconductor Memories Using DSSC ICON030618001
    V.Kalaivani and Prof.M.Rojaramani
    2 QCA Design Of Encoder For Low Power Memory Applications ICON030618002
    R.Bharathi Vidhya and Prof. G.Kanagaraj
    3 Design And Implementation Of Karatsuba Based Fir Filters For Signal Processing ICON030618003
    N.Arunkumar and Prof. G.Kanagaraj
    4 Multiple Cell Upset Tolerant Error Detection And Correction Code For Semiconductor Memories Using DSSC ICON030618004
    K.J.Lokesh and Prof. A.Vivekraj
    5 Fault Tolerant FIFO Design For NOC Router Using Low Complextiy Voter ICON030618005
    R.Meena and D.L.Jayanthi